In February,


In March, we said goodbye to one of the best men I have ever known, my Papa. St. Patrick's Day will hold a much different meaning after this year. I miss him very much, and it does make me sad to know that he will never get to hold mine and David's babies, but I know that he was in so much pain in his wordly body. He lived a full and happy life, and I know he is pain-free and even happier looking down on us from heaven. I am grateful that he did know my nephew, Andrew, and that he was there the day I walked down the aisle. The rest he will just have to watch from his bird's eye view! ;) His memory will forever live on, especially through my little brother. Not only is he the spitting image of my Papa, he is a great man of honor and integrity, just as my Papa was. I am grateful to see my Papa everytime I look at my brother and I know that Papa is proud of the man he is becoming.
2010 was FILLED with so many other amazing things as well... our dear friends Brittney and Austin were married (and Britt became an Auntie as well!), my sister-in-law Genevieve went off to college, my other sister-in-law Liza came home, David got a promotion, my Nana made a HUGE recovery from her illnesses, and we all celebrated another year of health and happiness. :) 2010 was filled with many changes as well, but I wouldn't change a THING. Some people walked out of my life, and for the most part, I am grateful for the positive changes it brought everyone involved. I am thankful, also, for the new friends that God brought into our lives, and all the happiness we feel daily. David and I are truly very, very blessed and 2011 promises to bring even more joy. Thank you ALL for being a part of our lives and part of the reason we are so happy. HAPPY NEW YEAR and many blessings to you all!